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Analytical Psychology Session

Improve yourself.

  • 2 hr
  • 199.99 US dollars
  • Location 1

Service Description

Are you looking to determine your strengths and weaknesses in the Learning Process? We can help you. Knowing the aspects that are difficult for you is of great importance when you seek to learn new things. It will allow you to develop them. At the same time, focusing on your strengths makes it easier for you to direct your path towards what will guarantee the achievement of your goals. To do this, you can rely on the Cosmic Inner Healing Oracle. It combines I Ching, Numerology, Runes, Astrology, Tarot, Meditation and Akashic Records Readings. This is a tool, used by Carl Jung in Analytical Psychology, which allows you to delve deeper into the Human Psyche to get the necessary answers. Book Our Psychotherapy Sessions and discover everything you can benefit from, while improving all the aspects that hinder your journey.

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